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Project supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant Nos. 2018YFA0305700 and 2018YFA0305800), One Hundred-Talent Program in Institute of Physics (Grant No. Y7K5031X61), Youth Promotion Association of CAS (Grant No. 2018010).
We revisit the reversible magnetocaloric effect of itinerant ferromagnet Mn3GaC near the ferromagnetic to paramagnetic phase transition by adopting the experimental and theoretical methods and critical behavior of Mn-rich Mn3GaC with an enhanced FM interaction. Landau theory model cannot account for temperature dependent magnetic entropy change which is estimated from thermal magnetic methods only considering magnetoelastic coupling and the electron–electron interaction, apart from molecular mean-field model. Critical behavior is studied by adopting the modified Arrott plot, Kouvel–Fisher plot, and critical isotherm analysis. With these critical exponents, experimental data below and above Tc collapse into two universal branches, fulfilling the single scaling equation m = f±(h), where m and h are renormalized magnetization and field. Critical exponents are confirmed by Widom scaling law and just between mean-field model and three-dimensional Heisenberg model, as the evidence for the existence of long-range ferromagnetic interaction. With increasing the Mn content, Tc increases monotonously and critical exponents increases accordingly. The exchange distance changes from J(r) ∼ r–4.68 for x = 0 to J(r) ∼ r–4.71 for x = 0.08, respectively, which suggests the competition of the Mn–Mn direct interaction and the itinerant Mn–C–Mn hybridization. The possible mechanism is proposed.
Itinerant electronic materials are excellent candidates to explore functional materials. Among them, Mn-based itinerant materials are such examples that have attracted more attention due to the important findings including giant magnetoresistance (GMR),[1,2] magnetocaloric effect (MCE),[3–6] negative thermal expansion (NTE),[7–13] and magnetostriction (MS),[14–16] etc. Mn3GaC exhibits various magnetic/structural phase transitions and has been widely investigated.[1–5,17–19] With decreasing temperature, it transits from paramagnetic (PM) to ferromagnetic (FM) phases at 250 K, to an intermediate canted ferromagnetic (IFM) phase at 158 K, and to an antiferromagnetic ground state with discontinuous expansion in lattice parameter near 155 K.[17,19] Accompanied by magnetic/structural phase transitions, GMR can reach nearly 80% at 5 T and larger “trapeziform”-like negative magnetic entropy changes exists.[1–5] Meanwhile, giant isotropic MS (1700 ppm) is found near the AFM–IFM phase transition.[15] In addition to important experimental findings, some basic scientific issues remain controversial on these FM materials after many years of exploration.
The first controversial point is Mn–Mn interaction of this system although different models have been proposed, such as the Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida (RKKY) interaction, the direct-coupling model, and the mean field models. No systematic and in-depth theoretical calculations were performed to reveal the internal mechanism of magnetic interactions although similar tries were carried out in other itinerant FM materials. Another point is why FM–PM transition is so sensitive to Mn-doping only considering lattice changes. In other words, its Fermi surface structure nesting and energy band filling effect can play a key role. For Mn-rich Mn3GaC, a reversible MCE with large temperature spans at Tc is reported,[20] while the origin of quickly enhanced Tc with Mn-doping and the studies of MCE based on various theoretical models are lacking. Previous investigations have proved that critical exponent analysis in the vicinity of magnetic transition is a powerful to single out the relevant microscopic interaction.[21–27] According to the reports,[17,20] Mn3GaC is an itinerant electronic material and electron-electron interaction is important to carrier transporting and mainly comes from Mn-3d band electrons. Its ground state can be well-described by Fermi-liquid behavior. Meanwhile, electron-phonon interaction may be important in contributing magnetic entropy change near phase transitions. In this respect, more theoretical and experimental investigations are required to deepen our understanding of magnetic properties of this system.[21,22] In this work, we present a detailed study on the MCE near the FM–PM transition based on Landau theory of the transition model and the molecular mean-field model and on the specific heat. We find that the simple Landau theory model can not account for the temperature dependence of magnetic entropy in Mn3GaC if only considering magnetoelastic coupling and electron-electron interaction. The scaling plots confirm that critical exponents are reliable and all the critical exponents are just between the mean-field model and the three-dimensional (3D) Heisenberg model, as the evidence for the existence of long-range FM interaction. The exchange distance changes from J(r) ∼ r–4.68 for x = 0 to r–4.71 for x = 0.08, respectively, which suggests the competition of Mn–Mn direct interaction (180°) and the itinerant Mn–C–Mn (90°) hybridization.
Polycrystalline samples Mn-rich Mn3GaC was prepared as reported previously,[1,2] and structural parameters were collected by x-ray diffraction (Cu Kα, λ = 0.15406 nm). Magnetic properties were measured on a Quantum Design superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer (1.8 K ≤ T ≤ 400 K, 0 ≤ H ≤ 50 kOe). The sample for magnetic measurements can be considered as ellipsoids and the applied field is parallel to its longest semiaxis. Thus, a uniform field exists throughout the sample and sharp demagnetizing fields could be reduced. Thermopower coefficient was measured by using standard four-probe technique in the Quantum Design physical property measurement system (1.8 K ≤ T ≤ 400 K, 0 ≤ H ≤ 90 kOe). The Rietveld refinement of XRD pattern indicates that all the samples are single-phase (SG:
In Fig.
Another approach was adopted to apply the mean-field scenario to isothermal curves and calculate entropy changes.[31,32] It does not depend on the numerical integration of Maxwell relation and is a complementary approach to Landau theory.[29,31] Magnetic equation of state is expressed as
Another method used to estimate entropy change is based on heat capacity.[42,43] In inset of Fig.
According to the scaling hypothesis, a second-order transition near Tc is characterized by critical exponents β (spontaneous magnetization), γ (initial magnetic susceptibility), and δ (critical magnetization isotherm) as follows:[44,45]
![]() | Fig. 5. (a) Isothermal M(H) curves from 228 K to 272 K (in 2 K step). (b) Arrott plots of H/M vs. M2 derived from M(H) curves. |
MS(T, 0) vs. T and 1/χ0(T) vs. T are given in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 6. Temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization MS(T, 0) and the inverse initial susceptibility 1/χ0(T) for Mn3 + xGa1 − xC. |
The exponents are obtained by the Kouvel–Fisher (KF) method,[26,47]

In the critical region, magnetic equation of state is given by[50]
![]() | Fig. 9. Scaling plots for Mn3 + xGa1 − xC below and above Tc using β and γ determined by the Kouvel–Fisher method. The inset shows the plots on a log–log scale. |
![]() | Fig. 10. The dependence of the critical exponent βeff and γeff on ε for Mn3 + xGa1 − xC, where ε = (T−Tc)/Tc is the reduced temperature. |
By comparison, we can find that critical exponents of this system are apart from those of theoretical models, e.g., 3D Heisenberg and/or 3D Ising models, and mean-field theory.[44,51,52] However, both the values of β and γ from the magnetic measurements are just between the predicted mean-field model and the 3D Heisenberg model, and somewhat close to the mean-field model. Usually, the 3D Heisenberg model and the Ising model represent short-range FM interaction and the mean-field model is corresponding to long-range FM coupling.[44,51] Thus, it may be thought that FM interaction is dominant and mainly comes from long-range Mn–C–Mn. Generally, critical exponents depend on lattice dimension, order parameter and the range of interaction (short range, long range or infinite).[53] For magnets, the universality class of transition depends on the exchange interaction J(r) = 1/rd + σ, where d represents the spatial dimensions and σ is range of interaction and a positive constant.[53] For 3D materials (d = 3), there is a relation J(r) = r–(3 + σ). When σ = 2, the Heisenberg model is valid for a 3D isotropic ferromagnet, where J(r) decreases faster than r–5. When σ = 3/2, the mean-field model is satisfied, which indicates that J(r) decreases slower than r–4.5. In this work, σ = 1.681 ± 0.005 for x = 0, σ = 1.634 ± 0.002 for x = 0.06, σ = 1.671 ± 0.006 for x = 0.07, σ = 1.714 ± 0.004 for x = 0.08, implying that J(r) changes from r–4.68, r–4.63, r–4.67, r–4.71 for x = 0, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, respectively. It indicates that J(r) of Mn3 + xGa1 − x C is close to the mean-field model (r–4.5) and trends to the Heisenberg model (r–5) with increasing the Mn-doping. This means that Mn–Mn FM interaction is dominant and the enhanced Mn–C–Mn hybridization derives short-range FM interaction with increasing the Mn doping. Some short-range FM interactions become stronger. The detailed mechanism requires more investigations.
MCE near FM–PM transition in Mn3GaC has been investigated. Molecular mean-field model can well describe −ΔSM, while the Landau theory model does not. In addition, critical behavior is investigated by magnetization measurements using three different techniques. Critical exponents of Mn-rich Mn3GaC are between the mean-field model and the Heisenberg model. Mn–Mn FM interaction is dominant and the enhanced Mn–C–Mn hybridization derives short-range FM interaction with increasing the Mn doping.
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